For hundreds of years, legends have told of a great treasure hidden deep at the bottom of an active volcano. Despite the warnings of the locals, many adventurers have tried... and failed. But that won't stop you! Enter the depths of the fiery abyss and use the mechanisms created by the ancient people to make the deadly lava sink lower, allowing you to dive deeper and deeper. With pools of magma and deadly traps (literally just spikes)  even your trusty fire proximity suit won't protect you for long.


- A and D (or arrow keys) to move left and right.

- Press spacebar to jump. A short tap will make you quickly hop while a long press will make you leap high into the air.

 - Wow this list is short.

This game was made in 3 days for the Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 with the theme "Diving Deeper" I knew a big chunk of participants would make a game about diving underwater so I had think hard. Since lava is pretty much the opposite of water, this was the most unobvious, and probably original, choice. I only have 4 short levels, but I hope you find them at least mildly amusing.


Oh yeah and sorry about the lever sprite I have no idea what did to it.

My brother was pretty mad the end screen said nothing about treasure so if you see the big letters that say "THE END" just pretend you became a billionaire or something.

5th place in graphics LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Thank you everybody!

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