One day you were just doing your job as an intergalactic trucker by shipping Mordioxools, almost indestructible cubes that can change into any weapon they are programmed to transform into, to a random planet in another galaxy. Unfortunately, one of the interns you were working with accidentally activated lightspeed, and you blasted into a small planet. The ship immediately exploded from the friction in the atmosphere but luckily you were wearing a fancy explosion-proof suit your rich brother bought you last Christmas. He mainly did it to show how rich he was but hey, you survived. You're stranded on a lush jungle planet filled with life. That would be great except most of the life wants to shoot you. But by pure chance when you fell out of the ship a Mordioxool landed right into your hand so at least you can defend yourself. Some teleporters got blasted out of the ship when it exploded so hopefully you can teleport around the dense jungle, find your crew, and get off this awful planet!

(spoiler alert you can't really leave cuz didn't have enough time to make an ending.)


 - WASD or Arrow Keys to move

-  Spacebar or Left mouse button to shoot.

- Mouse to aim.

- Right click to transform mordioxool.

- The little percent thing at the bottom right is your health.

Made in 7 days for Major Jam 6: Life, with the limitation "Multiple Applications." I had this game idea for a while so I finally decided to make it, interpreting the limitation to mean multiple uses for one gun.

I sadly did not have time to add cutscenes, loot chests with new guns, an element of strategy, more than two monsters, a boss battle, an ending, make that weird little UI thing at the bottom right do anything, sound effects, or a pathfinding algorithm that doesn't literally just make enemies try to walk through walls, but I am still pretty proud of this. (I overscoped lol)


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